A Wheel-y Successful Plant Sale!
Updated: Jul 1, 2021
Did you know that Hidden Gardens of Grayshott grow most of the plants that we sell at our events? With the unfortunate decision to cancel the event this year, we wanted to make sure that the plants lovingly raised by us still made it into all your gardens.

With lockdown restrictions to contend with, a mail order plant sale proved more successful that we expected. By contacting our loyal supporters through our mailing list, we managed to raise funds with a click and collect service. As restrictions lifted, we built on this success and ran our first ever socially distanced plant sale for our mailing list members!

Wheelbarrows were the winning formula with customers following a one way system and always leaving with a barrow bursting with floral delights. Thank you to our customers for respecting our COVID safety precautions, it was lovely to see Spring in your steps and a big thank you to the volunteers and especially Sandy who offered a personal service of wheeling the plants to customers’ cars.
The income generated from activities in 2021 will enable Hidden Gardens of Grayshott to offer a contribution of £3,200 to Grayshott Parish Council towards floral displays you will see around Grayshott Village throughout 2022 and 2023.